Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 1/23/13

Amended and Approved on 2/6/13

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Eli Hauser, Chair - absent

Anne Bingham  

Rob Maidman, Clerk

Pat Pannone

David Milowe, Vice Chair - absent

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer


Other Attendees

James Treacy Sign Works Group for Dedham Savings Bank




Clerk Maidman called the meeting to order (in the absence of the Chair and Vice Chair) at 7:30 PM.  



Mr. Pannone moved to approve the minutes of 1/9/13 as written. Ms. Bingham seconded the motion. The Board voted 2-0-1 (Maidman was not in attendance) in favor of approval.


Dedham Savings Bank Sign

James Treacy representing Dedham Savings Bank at 45 South Main Street came before the Board asking to update the three existing exterior signs, with the same square footage. The lettering will be carved for the main identification sign as well as the directional sign and wall sign. Mr. Treacy agreed to match the color choice to one within the historical color palette. All three signs will be placed in the exact location they exist in now.


Mr. O’Cain said he agrees with the sign sizes but needs to ensure the line of sight is correct.


Mr. Pannone moved to approve the Dedham Savings Bank Signs as described. At the time of installation the applicant must contact Town Engineer O’Cain to approve the line of sight and the applicant will find a historical color match. Ms. Bingham seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-0 in favor of the sign permit.


Planning Board Appointee to the Standing Building Committee

Ms. Bingham moved to appoint Mr. Pannone as the Planning Board Appointee to the Standing Building Committee Selection Committee. Mr. Maidman seconded the motion. The Board voted 2-0-1 (Pannone) in favor.



Chair’s Report

The Chair’s Report was read.


Fences along the lake

Ms. Bingham said she discussed with Greg Meister the issue of fences along the lake. She commented that you can not see through many of the fences that line the lake. She feels it is appropriate to state that fences should not be higher than 6 feet. The requirements are within the building code. Mr. O’Cain suggested that she contact Town Counsel to determine how to proceed. Mr. O’Cain will send her the section of the building code that discusses fences.


Town Meeting Articles

Mr. O’Cain said that there are two potential Town Meeting articles that may involve the Planning Board. The first is the creation of a medical marijuana district. The article would allow for the creation of a zoned location for the dispensing of medical marijuana, as approved by the State of Massachusetts. Mr. O’Cain said that Mr. Puritz is having Town Counsel look into whether this is a Planning Board article or a general bylaw. If it is a zoning change then the Planning Board will need to hold a public hearing and then bring the article to other boards.


Ms. Bingham suggested letting the dust settle with reference to how many towns are doing this.


The second article relates to the Adult Zoning District. Mr. O’Cain said he will check with Attorney Whelan to determine how this is going. At the last Town Meeting, this article was passed but denied approval by the Attorney General for language that they had provided as a model.


Mr. O’Cain also discussed an earth removal bylaw in which he might want to change the language to require a public hearing to remove the soil if the quantity is in excess of100 or 200 yards. Currently it is 25 cubic yards.


Subdivision Regulations

Mr. O’Cain said that Tom Houston has the edits to the Subdivision Regulations and will contact him for a status.



Ms. Bingham moved to adjourn at 8:30 PM. Mr. Pannone seconded the motion. The Board voted 3-0-0 to adjourn.



1. Dedham Savings Bank pictures for new signage.